👉📒 What you will learn in these 3 Days- 📗
🪨Science of Sacred Spaces and Geo-biology , Stone Circles.
🏞️Geo-biology and Geopathy – understanding the Earth grids, Hartmann line, Curry line, Ley line, Positive line, Negative line.
📕Detailed learning on everything happening at the grid level, inside the earth, based on geopathic stress.
🪨Learn to understand the power spots of the earth, based on Earth Communication.
🌀Understand the magnetic field of the earth and it’s connects with the water inside the body 🧘
🪐Resonating effect of the magnetic influence of water and the earth water – feeling of good or bad spaces.🏡
🧘Health related issues generated by geobiology and geopathic stress .
🌖Science of Earthing & benefit of barefoot walking / grounding – changes in bioenergetics of the body.
☄️ Discuss each and every technical point of all geopathic stress remedies.
➡️ How these remedies work?
➡️ How to install these remedies?
➡️ Various processes of installing these
🗺️Geobiological and Geopathy based remedies inside the Environment, inside the bungalow or outside and on the plot? 🏠
🌏 Essentially a combined workshop of Geobiology, Geopathy and Earth communication.⛰️
👁️🗨️ Includes- Practical Sessions 🌏
💫To understand the vibrations of Earth – feeling it .
💫Radiesthesia – with respect to Earth Communication.
💫Measuring Geobiology frequencies using H3 Gold Lecher Antenna.
💫Geobiology and Geopathy protocols.📗